How old am I?
I believed I was in fact ugly and unlovable, a hopeless misfit doomed to get everything wrong when it came to other people. I have been struggling to rid myself of an old and well-established habit that no longer… Continue Reading
I believed I was in fact ugly and unlovable, a hopeless misfit doomed to get everything wrong when it came to other people. I have been struggling to rid myself of an old and well-established habit that no longer… Continue Reading
In my life I have been blessed with many female friends, women with whom I am close and have been close for a number of years. I have two friends I have maintained contact with since I was 15… that’s… Continue Reading
One of the hardest parts of practicing mindfulness is remembering to practice. We can sit in meditation, where we learn how easily our mind becomes distracted, but even if you practice everyday, meditation is usually only a brief period of… Continue Reading
I have spent a lot of my life trying to whip my body into shape. Dieting and exercise have been necessary evils, and injuries – especially those originating from exercise – along with a history of digestive issues and food… Continue Reading
Rocks of Despair. The day after writing my piece on slower is faster, I found myself mired in hopelessness. I woke later than I wanted, having slept through my alarm. I felt grumpy and out of sorts, and wrestled with… Continue Reading
“Slower is faster.” When I heard this yesterday, I thought, yes – like “less is more”: a paradox ripe with meaning and an apt description of what I am contemplating in this time of physical distancing and sheltering in place.… Continue Reading
It’s Sunday night, about 8:40 pm, and I am facing a 4 am alarm. It’s a familiar dread – leaving the unscheduled time behind, returning to the early morning rising and a workload that never really feels done. Dread mixes… Continue Reading
#ONEWORD2019 The past 3 years I’ve joined the #oneword movement, selecting a word as intention rather than resolutions. I choose a word that reflects my focus for the year. I started with verbs: In 2016 my #oneword was listen. In 2017,… Continue Reading
I wish you a well-come new year, full of life lived meaningfully and wholeheartedly! Thank you for your support and encouragement in 2018. Like many people, I like to spend the quiet period between Christmas and January 2nd reflecting on… Continue Reading
Happy November! As we move through these last two months of 2018, I wanted to share a couple of things I’ve been learning, practicing, and considering: Think SMALL. With the holidays upon us, temptations to overindulge abound. What if we… Continue Reading